Saowaphak Pinijpichitkul at the finish line of the Golden Triangle Triathlon held earlier this year.
In her first triathlon challenge in Phuket, Saowaphak Pinijpichitkul suffered not just physically but also emotionally when she had to walk up a slope in extreme fatigue during the run leg. She promised herself that she would not do that again.
“It may sound brutal, exhausting and pressured. But this is all for progress,” recalled Saowaphak, a management-level officer at Kasikornbank overseeing business strategy.
That was back in 2012. After disciplined, rigorous training, the 41-year-old is a regular triathlon participant. Last year she joined an Ironman event in Japan, spending 15 hours to reach the finish line. This year she plans to compete in a triathlon in Kanchanaburi, which is only five months away, as well as another Ironman challenge in Germany in September.
A triathlon is more than just sport. For Saowaphak, it is a lesson for life.
“Humans have a capacity to keep stretching a little further in whatever they do to improve,” said Saowaphak. “Training for a triathlon is the same. Today you train for a 1km run. Tomorrow you may do 1.5km. Life is just like that. You encounter difficulties but you can tell yourself to go a little further until you beat them.”
Despite the physical and psychological demands of triathlon, public fever over the multiple-stage sport has been going through the roof in recent years not just in Thailand but also across the world, too. In Thailand alone, the calendar is packed with triathlon challenges with events such as Laguna Phuket Tri-Fest, Bangkok Triathlon, Hua Hin Triathlon and Pattaya Triathlon Super Series among the popular ones.
In a nutshell, each triathlon contest starts with swimming followed by cycling and running. To accommodate all different skill levels, there are several different distances for triathlon races. The shortest one called Sprint distance comprises 750m of swimming, 20km of cycling and 5km of running. After that it is Standard or Olympic distance, which means 1.5km swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running.
For tougher athletes, there is Half Ironman, which is also referred to as Ironman 70.3s, with the number 70.3 representing the total mileage of the race. Half Ironman participants are required to complete 1.9km of swimming, 90km of cycling and 21km of running. Full Ironman, on the other hand, comprises 3.8km of swimming, 180km of biking and 42km of running. Most triathlon races in Thailand, said Saowaphak, are of Sprint and Olympic distance.
Regardless of the type, triathlon is admittedly a sport that requires not just full physical but also mental readiness, without which the race might end on a sad note. In May last year, for example, a renowned Thai triathlete died while competing in an event in Chon Buri. He was suspected to have suffered muscle cramp while in the swim section.
Orthopaedist and sport injury specialist Dr Winyou Ratanachai said that when it comes to participating in a triathlon event, self-adjustment and self-awareness is crucial for surviving the game.
“Humans have the potential to get better if they are provided with enough time to improve,” he commented. “Triathlon is an endurance sport that requires regular training for the body to get stronger every day. But it is paramount that athletes know their own physical restrictions. With the right balance of challenge and exercise fuelled by perseverance, everyone can reach the finish line whether they are professional athletes or not.”
According to Dr Winyou, the run leg is the portion of the race that triathletes must be most careful about given it is the part that can lead to the accumulation of injuries.
“Those who suffer knee deterioration, ruptured tendon or any knee-related complaints must be aware of these physical limitations and should subsequently know when they should take a break.
“Triathletes are of course prone to injuries but they are also preventable,” noted Dr Winyou.
There are other medical considerations when it comes triathlon participation too. According to an article published by the US National Institutes of Health, medical problems commonly encountered in triathlon include dehydration, muscle cramping, heat illness, excessive exposure to UV radiation, bone and muscle injuries and gastrointestinal problems.
Other more serious medical complaints include post-race bacterial infection, immuno-suppression, psychological exhaustion and haemolysis or the rupturing of red blood cells resulting in anaemia.
Taking into account weather and water temperature data prior to the event is one way to reduce risks associated with triathlon, along with physical and safety equipment preparation.
“Despite these concerns, triathlon participation appears to be relatively safe for persons of all ages, assuming that high-risk adults undertake health screening,” read the article.
Setttting aside the warning message, Dr Winyou added that not only is triathlon good for creating motivation. It has positive health consequences too.
“Speaking from my experiences attending patients, triathlon is able to turn an obese person into a leaner one. It can cure hypertension. Incentives of triathlon are not direct ones. But participants will receive indirect incentives in the form of motivation to beat themselves. When they get to the finish line, it is a kind of feeling that they want to do it again.”
Lapipat Pangphuthipong is another regular exerciser and triathlon participant, who started working out for health reasons. To be qualified to enrol in his first triathlon race, it was more than just training hard enough to be physically ready.
“Back in 2010, I joined a dualathlon which comprised running and cycling,” recalled the 40-year-old real estate investment consultant. “There I noticed there was a start point for triathletes, too and there were plenty of Thai and foreign athletes joining the event. I wanted to join too but the thing that barred me from doing so was that I couldn’t swim.”
At 35, Lapipat learnt to swim. Of course, it wasn’t easy to do but after six months of strict training, he attended his first three-stage challenge.
“A triathlon for me is more than just sport. It is an adventure and a lifestyle,” added Lapipat, who plans for a Sprint distance race in Pattaya in November.
“Importantly, triathletes must take their physical condition into consideration,” he stressed. “Of course, triathlon makes you physically fit. It drives sickness away. It gives you a new network of like-minded friends and it teaches you a great deal about planning. But in every minute while training and racing, you must be aware if you go way beyond the limit in all aspects. For me, time management is also crucial. You cannot just spend the whole time training without paying attention to your work and family.” Saowaphak echoed the same viewpoint when it comes to being mindful of physical boundaries in triathlon participation.
“Triathlon has a lot of benefits,” she said. “It is a healthy activity and can push you to improve, to go faster, to get stronger and to achieve your goal. But in doing so, the secret lies in whether or not you know what and how you are doing. While training and racing, it’s up to whether you know you are at the point when your body cannot bear it anymore. If you train so hard you get sick, that is not called moderation. As a triathlete, you cannot be careless.”

Lapipat Pangphuthipong learned to swim at the age of 35 to qualify for triathlon participation.

Lapipat Pangphuthipong learned to swim at the age of 35 to qualify for triathlon participation.

Saowaphak Pinijpichitkul at Bangkok Triathlon last year.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.