Oreo was rescued from the meat trade three years ago. He has been loving, loyal and playful since. Now, the family must leave Thailand and cannot take him. Oreo is less than four years old, healthy and playful. He has been neutered and fully vaccinated. He is fully house trained and can fit in your apartment. He never howls or barks.
Khao Pod is a one-year-old female who has short legs. She was rescued from the dog meat trade a year ago. She is fully vaccinated and neutered.
Minet is a very friendly mother cat who roamed a neighbourhood where all her kittens from previous pregnancies disappeared. This time she was fostered and she gave birth to three beautiful kittens. Peter is the only male kitten left after his two siblings were adopted. He is very much attached to his mother. They would love to be adopted together.
Contact details: Anyone interested in adopting one or more of these animals can contact Tharinee Wipuchanin, founder of Pic-A-Pet4Home, on 08-1451-2233 or 08-1551-2628, Facebook: PickAPet4Home-Bangkok, email pickapet4home@yahoo.com or visit our website www.picapet4home.com.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.