I am pretty sure I never signed a non-wafer agreement when buying this Kit Kat.
What do you do when you find your Kit Kat is waferless?
A) Instagram it.
B) Eat it. You actually don’t care.
C) Buy a wafer to enjoy with it.
D) Demand Nestle compensate you with a lifetime supply of the candy bars. That’s what a London law student decided to do when she bit into a wafer-less Kit Kat — threatening legal action if her demands are not met, according to itv.com. Some people apparently take snacks very seriously.
A Chinese woman was recently named “the luckiest passenger”. Why?
A) She was seated next to Kendall Jenner and they became BFFs.
B) She was upgraded to sit with the pilots.
C) She met her Prince Charming during the flight.
D) She was the only passenger on the plane. BBC reported a Chinese woman found herself alone on a plane after a long delay that prompted other passengers to change flights. She chose not to, and her patience was rewarded in the form of “rock star” treatment by the cabin crew.
Spanish boy band Dvicio uploaded a video of themselves singing a Thai song. What sort of feedback did they receive?
A) Complaints that the guys’ Thai wasn’t perfect.
B) Praise for the band’s effort.
C) Marriage proposals.
D) Sexual harassment comments. Many Thai women, won over by the boys’ charm, expressed their great desire to bed them. Some were playful, but some were so explicit that we don’t dare share them here. Should we be worried about Dvicio’s safety during its visit to Thailand? G
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.