One of the annoying things about wars is that they don’t all end when they are supposed to. After Yorktown, the American Revolution dragged on for two years. The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 was fought after the War of 1812 was officially over.

World War I got it right — it all ended on 11/11/11 (11am on Nov 11, 1918). Not so World War II, with fighting continuing in Japan and Europe. British war historian Michael Jones details the latter in After Hitler.
To a greater extent than his colleagues, Jones analyses the personas of the mid-20th century. He emphasises Hitler’s personal charisma. Even strong-minded people, though they might have denied it later, clearly fell under his spell. It enabled him to keep the war going, though it was lost.
When he passed on the leadership mantle it was not to surrender but for Admiral Donitz to continue resisting the Third Reich’s foes. Regarding all those not Aryans as subhuman, Hitler sanctioned the murder of millions of Jews and tens of millions of Russians. With the Red Army at the gates with a vengeance, falling into their hands was unthinkable.
Early Moscow discontent arose because London and Washington allowed SS, Wehrmacht and turncoat Russians to surrender, ignoring the atrocities they’d committed. Stalin was for executing 50,000 high ranking Nazis straight away. Churchill was aghast. Peace treaties were signed. The fighting continued.
Americans regard George Patton as their favourite general, especially after the movie about him. Jones agrees that’s above dispute. He revelled in war. However, Patton had peculiar notions, like invading Russia. Eisenhower appreciated Patton’s expertise. Bradley thought him a loose cannon. He enjoyed rubbing Montgomery the wrong way.
There are photos of the war, interviews with Russian POWs, survivors of the death camps, quotes from newspapers of the time of Allied disagreements and personality differences between US presidents FDR and Truman. Whether Hitler would have committed suicide had it been the British and Americans who captured Berlin is a moot question.
After Hitler isn’t just another World War II book. Arguably it could have been penned a half-century ago. Yet now, it’s still timely.

Money laundering
It isn’t unusual for husbands, wives, parents, children to walk out on their families and not return. Without explanation. Those left behind are naturally concerned. Has the absent person been in an accident? A victim of foul play? Hospitals are called. The police.
What the police know from experience is that more than a few disappearances are the result of people being fed up with their situations. Starting a new life has its appeal. Then again, they might be in trouble or danger and need to escape. Novelists writing about runaways have touched all the bases, including pretending to have been kidnapped and keeping the ransom. Not the case in Swede Liza Marklund’s Without A Trace, translated by Neil Smith. Politician Ingemar Lerberg is first seen being tortured by men seeking his missing wife.
A seemingly typical Stockholm homemaker and mother of two, Nora’s absence makes no sense. Her friends and neighbours think her one of them. But would Ingmar be in hospital if that’s all she is? The National Crime office takes a closer look. As does journalist Annika Bengtzon, the author’s ongoing literary creation.
Marklund has 15 crime thrillers under her belt and does her homework. She notes that drugs aren’t the biggest problem in Europe. Rather it is money laundering — “smurfing”. Despite the laws to outlaw dirty money, it is more prevalent than ever. A good smurfer is worth his weight in gold.
By the time the police recognise that Nora is one of the best, she has moved to Russia with a change of identity. Whether those after her, on both sides of the law, catch up is improbable. But not impossible.
Marklund, who co-authored Postcard Killers with James Patterson, tells a good story well, which is more than can be said for all her contemporaries.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.