Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Guru’s fortuneteller. Let’s see how would you fare this week & beyond!
Note: is for work,
is for money,
is for coupled life and
is for single life
Mar 21 – Apr 19
You get things done quicker and more effectively. An issue that has been bothering you will go away. Good news about something you’ve been waiting to hear from finally arrives. A makeover on your look can boost your career or business.
Receiving your share of inheritance is on the cards. Big profits from selling a house is also possible.
You two motivate each other to work hard in order to build a future together.
A close female relative may fix you up with someone she thinks you like. The good news is that she really knows your type.
Apr 20 – May 20
You have to deal with a lot of stress in your workplace. You may seriously fall ill after a long period of intense work. A business conflict is likely to be resolved within the next few days.
An item you lent to someone may be lost forever. You may have to help pay off a debt someone else close to you incurred.
Lovers don’t make love as much as they usually do. If you’re being unfaithful, you may contract an STD. Karma.
You may fall for someone who likes you more because you spend money on them, not because of your company.
May 21 – Jun 20
Working your fingers to the bone isn’t the best idea. You perform better after you slack off a bit or take a day off or two. Who knows, taking your mind off work may help you clear a mental block.
A windfall is on the cards for you. You’re quite happy with returns on your portfolio.
A fight or two may happen but you two kiss and make up quickly afterwards. You both motivate each other to work towards building a future together.
You may get to go on a date with someone you really like. A mall for the first date is a no-no. You do that pretty much every weekend. Think of something more special.
Jun 21 – Jul 22
You’ll receive some office kudo. A headhunter may drop you a job offer email. Whatever you touch turns into success.
You may receive an overdue payment or a repayment from your debtor. A woman of the same age or older may bring you a fortune.
Being affectionate towards your BFF may cause your partner to become jealous. A secret you have been hiding from your love may come to light. Yikes.
Someone already spoken for may give you false hopes. Don’t let anyone toy with your emotion.
Jul 23 – Aug 22
You have a full plate but someone will help you take care of a portion of it. You’ll be able to find support in whatever you do. A business you co-own continues to thrive.
It’s either a big bill on equipment repair or a big purchase of a new gadget. A fortune from an older person who is fond of you is on the cards. What you lost may be returned to you.
Lovers find time to spend QT together more. You both are getting better at not holding grudges after fights.
You may start a relationship with someone you first met at a party or a happy event.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
Your work plan progresses smoothly. What you’ve been putting your heart and soul into comes to completion. You may get to showcase your works abroad. A promotion or a new job offer is also on the cards. You’re on fire, babe!
It’s likely that you’ll be able to find a way to solve your own financial woe – if you have one. Satisfying returns on your portfolio is on the cards.
Lovers learn to communicate with each other better. What was uncertain in your relationship becomes clear.
You may meet a hottie through work.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
You work with a happier heart as obstacles become lessened. A halted project will resume at full speed. You may receive good news regarding a job application or a business negotiation.
Your cash flow increases and you manage to pay all bills in time. You may lose a valuable item while travelling abroad.
Lovers fight hard one day and love hard the next. If you have an issue, find time to really discuss it with your partner.
You may find love while travelling in an unfamiliar place.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
Think twice before you say or type something, if you don’t want to deal with a libel lawsuit later. You work hard but are underpaid. Someone may try to claim your work is theirs.
A sneaky snake may try to take a cut out of a pay that should be all yours.
Love is very fragile. Think twice before you say something because you can’t take it back. You two may agree to a mutual breakup.
Someone pretends to be interested in you in order to benefit from you in some way. It’s safer to stay single for now.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
You have to deal with the tough challenges ahead. Don’t get emotional at work. Turning on the waterworks is very unprofessional. You may win a small prize from a competition.
Your cash flow increases. You reap nice returns from your investment. A protracted financial problem will be resolved.
Being too self-centred can cause your love to turn sour. Think “we” before “me”.
You may go out with someone who likes expensive and fast vehicles. Wear an amulet for extra protection in case you two go on a road trip.
Dec 22 – Jan 19
Work progresses smoothly. The boss offers an opportunity for you to move up in the office hierarchy. A lawsuit you have been embroiled in for years finally comes to an end.
Money comes and goes. You may lend someone money out of a sense of obligation. Postpone your plans to make a new investment for now.
Don’t make your lover a low priority. You may enjoy career success at the expense of your personal relationship.
You’ve become so jaded with the dating scene and start to see the positive sides of being single. You even pretend not to notice when someone flirts with you.
Jan 20 – Feb 18
You have some problems working with others. You feel like you’re being taken advantage of by people who are supposed to be your teammates. A business negotiation remains inconclusive as both parties can’t find common ground. A big shake-up in your company may happen.
You spend a lot of money on personal healthcare. Your debtor may suddenly disappear from your life.
Lovers understand each other on a more deeper level. This love is getting mature.
You enjoy having several admirers. You don’t feel the need to go exclusive with anyone yet.
Feb 19 – Mar 20
Creative types may complete a magnum opus, earning rewards and praise. You may be offered a job and asked to accept it or not on the spot.
A new source of income presents itself. You may lose some asset after losing a lawsuit.
PG alert. You two make love more. Trying couples will be overjoyed by news of a pregnancy. Those with extramarital affairs are able to keep their spouses in the dark for now.
The following could be good or bad news for you. You attract both XX and XY admirers. You may become a serial dater, seeing several people in a short span of time.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.