The “One Gift for One Life” campaign was launched recently at a press conference during which medical experts provided information on the disease, which is the second most common cancer in Thai women. Also joining the event were Pimmada “Pim” Boriraksuppakorn, who has been diagnosed with early-stage ovarian cancer, and actress Kemmanit “Pancake” Jamikorn who shared her tips for staying healthy.
The fund-raising campaign is receiving the support of leading fashion designers Teerut “Vick” Wongwatanasin of Vickteerut, and Bhubawit “Roj” Kritpholnara, who have come up with a special bag and cap priced at Bt200 and Bt299 respectively that are guaranteed to appeal to fashionistas.
“Cervical cancer is one of the few types of cancer that can be prevented through regular screening, which is even more effective when it goes hand-in-hand with HPV vaccination. Despite the fact that the vaccine has a 70-per-cent success prevention rate among high-risk strains, a staggering 8,184 Thai women are still diagnosed with cervical cancer each year,” said Dr Wichai Termrungruanglert, head of Gynaecologic Oncology Division at Chulalongkorn University’s Medical Faculty.
“It is therefore critical that we continue to drive awareness and foster an accurate understanding among the public about this disease before it is too late. Moreover, given that the majority of women still lack access to essential information about the HPV virus as well as the financial means to obtain effective protection methods, the Thai Gynaecologic Cancer Society sees the urgent need to equip those in need with knowledge and reinforce its efforts by collaborating with various parties to launch such initiatives as the “One Gift for One Life” campaign. The campaign includes a fundraising activity, with all proceeds intended for acquiring HPV vaccines for children and young girls in the Juvenile Observation Homes throughout Bangkok.
We have plans to extend vaccination support to other regions in Thailand and expect more than 200 children and young girls to have access to a free HPV vaccination service.”
For his part, Group Captain, Panon Kasemsarn MD, an expert in gynaecologic cancer, explained the symptoms of gynaecologic cancer.
“All women are at risk of contracting cancer of the reproductive tract, and therefore, must regularly perform self-examination and immediately consult a gynaecologist for further diagnosis should they notice any abnormalities.
Another preventive measure women should take is to protect themselves against any viruses that are responsible for various types of cancer, particularly cervical cancer, takes the lives of many Thai women each year.
“A large number of women still have neither an adequate understanding nor the proper know-how about protecting themselves from the dangers of the |HPV virus, and providing them with the right knowledge will significantly lower the risk developing cervical cancer from the infection.”
For the past 10 years, many countries such as Australia, United States, Canada, and the countries in Scandinavia have been giving HPV vaccines to 11-12 year old girls. Recent research that studied the long-term efficacy of HPV vaccines also revealed that vaccination can significantly lower the risk of HPV infection, the main cause of common diseases such as genital warts and cervical cancer, by as much as 90 per cent. The vaccine has also been proven effective in inhibiting malignant lesion formation that often leads to cancer by 85 per cent.
– To place an order for the bag or cap, go to Line ID: onegiftbags2016 or call (087) 365 5973.
This source first appeared on The Nation Life.