We’ve heard it all before. These (almost) cryptic statements and sayings that are supposed to encourage, inspire and frankly, make you feel less crappy about yourself. Those quotes that are often found on one of your passive aggressive friends’ Instagram postings at about 2am.
Nevertheless, proverbs we’re familiar with are often outdated and applying them to modern-day Thailand is rather difficult. Especially during this “transitional” period when uncertainty looms and havoc is just waiting to spew itself, with people breaking ballot boxes for no reason.
These tough times are in dire need of motivational and uplifting sentiments (such as these ones that Guru has come up with). Ones that will draw all the people together and make them realise that no matter how bad things may seem, we shall prevail. For this is not just any country. This… is… SPARTA! Oh sorry, we meant Thailand. This is Thailand!

This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.