Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Guru’s fortuneteller. Let’s see how would you fare this week & beyond!
Note: is for work,
is for money,
is for coupled life and
is for single life
Mar 21 – Apr 19
Find time to complete overdue assignments. You may pull off a big job and be rewarded for it. A good job offer may come via someone you least expect. A business trip leads to good news.
A new source of income may present itself. You finally pay off a debt without outside help.
Lovers don’t get to spend time together much. You both spend most of your time and energy on work. An emotional distance starts to form.
You prefer older dates. There’s nothing wrong about wanting to be protected and cared for sometimes.
Apr 20 – May 20
You may start a new job or be reassigned a new position that you feel happier about. A business which you co-own with several partners may cause you big headache. In the end, you may be the only one who can keep it alive and afloat.
You may pay off one of your debts. An argument over money may occur between you and a family member.
Lovers help each other out with personal responsibilities. You feel like you’ve gained a new assistant.
You aren’t officially attached to anyone but you get to go on several casual dates, thanks to a matchmaker.
May 21 – Jun 20
You may be pressured to take on an assignment you don’t like. However, once you actually work on it, you realise you’re quite good at it. You aren’t deterred by obstacles in your way. You may win a prize from a contest.
You may receive a windfall or a handout unexpectedly. Don’t buy a car now. It may turn out to be a lemon.
You both don’t have much time to spend together due to busy schedules.
You feel like you need to sort something about yourself out first before starting a relationship with someone.
Jun 21 – Jul 22
The office biggies trust and favour you. You may be assigned to lead a big project because of your past achievements. Entrepreneurs, your startup may be off to a good start.
You make more money but spend a lot on something that is unnecessary or can be used on only a few occasions.
Vacationing in a new place with your boo can bring back the passion in your relationship.
You may find love while travelling in an unfamiliar place.
Jul 23 – Aug 22
You work hard but are underpaid (aren’t we all?). Someone may even try to take a cut out of pay that should be entirely yours. Someone may trick you into working for them for free.
You fail to reach your savings goal because colleagues invite you to join them for after-work drinks often. Beware of a fraud in the guise of an investment scheme.
Loyalty and love remain strong between you two. Physical distance doesn’t have any impact on your relationship.
Be careful of going out with several admirers during the same period of time — even casually. You may get caught and end up being lonesome.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
Your outside-the-box idea and approach will be well-received by colleagues. The jobless may start their nine-to-five life soon. The employed will have a smooth work week.
A negotiation over money will be concluded in a way that everyone involved is happy with. Be careful not to forget any valuables while travelling abroad.
A younger friend may cause drama in your love life. It will take some time before you two can become lovey-dovey again. Your boo may discover your secret.
Someone may pretend to love you just to benefit from you in some way.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
A project you’ve been putting your heart and soul into will flourish. You’ll be able to find help with whatever you do. There’s no shame in asking for help.
Money comes and goes. Your wallet shrinks after making a big donation or treating your employees to a lavish meal.
Lovers find time to be together more. Some may have the wedding talk and plan to procreate right away.
You finally meet your Mr/Ms Right after many bad dates.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
An overhaul in the office rattles you. Many things don’t go your way. Adapt quickly and you may survive. A business negotiation remains inconclusive as both parties can’t find common ground.
Someone may demand a cut out of a sum that is supposed to be all yours. What you lose may never be returned to you.
A fight or two may happen between you two but you can’t stay angry with each other for long. You both may overcome an issue together.
You may go out with a divorcee. Try to approach this potential love with an open mind.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
A knight in a white shirt may show up to solve a problem for you. A business conflict will be resolved amicably, saving all parties a lengthy legal battle.
You may be pick-pocketed while going out at night. Spend your money with more care. It will be difficult for you to borrow from someone when you run out of cash.
You feel like you’ve changed so much to please your lover. Maybe it’s time to really think if you’re with the right person.
You go out with someone who is not ready to officially come out as a couple with you.
Dec 22 – Jan 19
Your work life improves. Things that have been holding you back go away and you get things done more quickly. You may get to learn some good tips from an expert. Speak wisely and you shall be offered a good opportunity.
A new source of income presents itself. You start to see a way to pay off a big debt or put a lot more money into your savings.
Love is rock solid. You two motivate each other to work harder and strive for the better things in life.
Someone richer finds you attractive. Ever heard of a rat falling into a bucket of rice?
Jan 20 – Feb 18
You may get things done slower than you expected but there will be no mistakes to be fixed later. A business meeting yields good news. You may get the job that you applied for.
You pay all bills on time. An older lady brings you fortune or becomes your new business partner.
You two show more affection and care towards one another. Trying couples may conceive a baby.
Someone right under your nose is quite a catch. Who knows, you two may be a great match.
Feb 19 – Mar 20
Everything goes as planned. There’s a good chance that you’ll get the job you applied for. Businesses dealing with gay clients will prosper.
You may be coerced into paying a lot of money to make a problem go away. Going to the police may not be the best idea here too.
You two learn to communicate with each other better. You may eventually come to a realisation that you want out of this relationship.
You fancy someone you first met through work. A colleague may confess his/her attraction for you.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.