Sire, there’s a battle brewing in Nonthaburi! And I, your humble serf, have embarked on a long and arduous (taxi) journey to reach the Medieval Village in Bang Yai to witness the melee miself. Milords and miladies, allow me to present thee 10 things thou should know before joining a medieval battle there.
1. The Medieval Village is basically a collective of Middle Ages and Renaissance fans in Thailand. It currently consists of the Thai chapter of SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), the Canton of Golden Playne, and a group of Thai enthusiasts of the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) movement called Golden Playne Freifechter. Each member assumes a persona of his/her choice from the period or from other ancient cultures. You can be a samurai, a Roman warrior or an axe-wielding Viking berserker.
2. To sum the Medieval Village up, it’s a mix of historical study, serious cosplay, armoured combat sport and hanging out with like-minded friends. They gather to practice sword moves, engage in friendly (but nonetheless intense) combats, shoot arrows and eat barbecue.

3. Let’s get the distinction between SCA and HEMA clear first. Originating from the US, SCA is devoted to studying and recreating the ways of life in the Medieval period, including combats. Not only do the Thai SCA pursue brawn, but also brainy activities such as dance, cooking, music and poetry of yore.
4. Golden Playne Freifechter focuses solely on HEMA, exploring the lost arts of weapon combat based on ancient manuals. They mainly use training blunt longsword called “federschwert”, literally “a feather sword”, to practice moves and spar. It’s strangely fascinating to learn about the different components of the sword, how to use it to your advantage and how to swiftly strike a lethal attack without making exaggerated movements.
5. A participant in full armour and protective gear can engage in a full contact fight with another participant, SCA style. Such a combat abides by certain rules such as no hitting of hands and wrists and no bashing with a shield. The mock weapons are made of rattan. If the weapon has a head (like an axe) or thrusting tip, it will be covered with a layer of foam for extra safety. Once you’re hit hard at any point from shoulder to above your wrist, you put that arm behind your back and you cannot use it. If you’re dealt a hard blow somewhere between waist to above your knees, then you have to be on your knees. This acting out of injuries is honour-based. In general, if you hit super hard at any place outside the two areas mentioned earlier, you can be instantly (declared) dead too. No worries, there will be a ranked member who supervises each fight. He will judge when someone is out if needed or call someone out when they try to be an immortal. HEMA-style combat follows some rules as well but it’s more no-holds-barred and less chivalry, allowing tackles and shield bashes, among other things.
6. In any case, each duel lasts a few intense and exciting minutes. There’s no real danger here except for some bruises and profuse sweat inside the metal armour. Once your survival instinct kicks in, you feel this adrenaline rush coursing through your veins. You evade an incoming attack or block it with a buckler and quickly retaliate, hoping to deal a lethal blow. You feel the weight of your armour, the impact of each blow vibrating on it, the friction between two weapons and just the pure rush of combat.

7. There are weapons and armour newcomers can borrow for free. Members of the group occasionally shop for materials to make weapons and armour together. Some members are skilled weapon and armour smiths themselves. Some buy theirs online via Amazon.
8. Those who think Hawkeye is the least powerful member of The Avengers should try some archery first. Each shot surprisingly requires the focus and strength of your torso, not just your arms. No wonder he has such a great bod. There are meditative moments as you pull the arrow towards you before letting it go, piercing your target with a precise shot.
9. There’s no fee to join the Medieval Village. However, if you’re hooked, you should invest in your own armour and weapons. The group’s long-term plan is to operate the place as a kind of attraction where visitors can come to have a medieval day out and to grow a bigger community of the Middle Ages and Renaissance enthusiasts in Thailand.
10. The group gathers every Saturday deep in Bang Yai-Bang Khu Lat Road (Soi Kantana). Those who spend countless hours playing as warrior or rouge in RPGs or are fans of Game of Thrones and the likes should at least take a look at the group up on Facebook (fb.com/SCAThailand, 089-030-4282). Who knows, you may have an inner Jon Snow or Yara Greyjoy waiting to come out, roaring. g

This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.