Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Guru’s fortuneteller. Let’s see how would you fare this week & beyond!
Note: is for work,
is for money,
is for coupled life and
is for single life
Mar 21 – Apr 19
Unexpected changes occur but you can deal with them without much difficulty. There’s a good chance you still will be promoted or achieve your goals. The unemployed will receive a job offer with the help from an older man.
You may win cash from a lucky draw. What you lent to someone may not be returned.
Guys, if you’re seeing another woman on the side, she may become pregnant. It’s definitely yours too. Well, you’ve made your bed.
The person who shows interest in you may have an ulterior motive. Be cautious.
Apr 20 – May 20
You get to be idle and relax a little at the office. No one is breathing down your neck and you work at your own pace. Although things progress rather slowly, there won’t be any mistakes to be fixed later.
You may have to help repay a debt someone in your family incurred. If you yourself require a handout, someone is willing to give you one.
Love starts to become lukewarm. You both are so busy with work and also spend your free time apart.
You fancy none of the new peeps you meet. Keep looking.
May 21 – Jun 20
Brace yourself for petty issues in the workplace. Office politics makes you feel uncomfortable and you’re pressured to take sides. You may have to do something that makes others like you less.
Someone in your family brings you fortune. A negotiation over money or asset sharing will be concluded with no problems.
Speak wisely. You can hurt your lover’s feelings far worse than you can imagine with your poorly-chosen words because you mean a lot to them. Apologies won’t make it any better too.
You may suffer from a one-sided love but can’t stop daydreaming about your crush either.
Jun 21 – Jul 22
You get things done more quickly. Someone helps speed things up or solves problems for you. A business trip yields a tangible result. You may be offered a new job with better pay.
Someone who owes you money for your work finally pays up. A new source of income may present itself. Someone younger brings you fortune.
Lovers don’t have much free time to spend together. Love isn’t as sweet as it first was but your relationship remains solid.
You’re a pro at making a name for yourself with your bright career, however, you’re rather helpless at finding love.
Jul 23 – Aug 22
You have a lot of tasks to complete but you can deal with them all without outside help. Your hard work is recognised and the boss may reward you. A protracted business conflict will be resolved. Entrepreneurs may unexpectedly be offered help or a good opportunity.
A woman can bring you a financial aid, should you need it. You pay a lot of bills without any difficulties.
Partners show love and support for one another. You two may start seriously discussing marriage or moving in together. Trying couples may conceive a baby.
You may get to go out with someone you have great chemistry with.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
Things go your way most of the time. You accomplish goals you set out to do. A halted project will resume. You start to see a solution to a long-term issue.
You make more money than you usually do. A financial woe may go away. Someone older may go to great lengths to help you.
You two turn a shared dream into reality. You two finally get over an issue that has caused lingering tension in your relationship for months.
You may go out with someone who can play for both teams. You can schedule dates with different admirers during the same time period without much difficulty.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
You feel like you work best when you work alone. A conflict with a colleague may arise. Don’t expect others to think like you do. We’re all wired differently. It may be you who is in the wrong. Someone may use your good name to deceive others.
Be extra careful with how you spend your money. It won’t be easy to find someone to lend you some later.
Your beau or belle may start to feel underappreciated. A close friend of yours is on standby to steal him/her away too.
A headache stemming from being involved with someone already taken awaits you.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
You’ll be able to find help and support with whatever you try to do. A business negotiation yields the result that you hoped for. A former colleague brings you good news or helps you secure a good job.
A business you co-own with several partners flourishes. All involved will fairly receive their shares of profits too.
Love is quite blissful as you two learn not to fight over petty issues. You two make whoopee more.
An old friend you met at a class reunion may flirt with you.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
You get things done more swiftly and effectively. You have no problem working on several assignments during the same period of time. A business negotiation that got paused will resume.
An older gent may offer you a piece of fortune. Your wallet becomes thicker, thanks to a freelance job or two. Good opportunities await you in a foreign land.
Jealousy causes some tension between you two. You don’t feel like you’re ready to talk about it either. An online affair may turn to an IRL fling.
You have feelings for someone who’s very popular. Be ready to fight with other admirers over him/her or else keep looking.
Dec 22 – Jan 19
Check everything you do twice. If any error happens, you’ll solely be held accountable. You may be demoted or sacked after having a conflict with an office biggie.
You have many bills coming into your mailbox. Pay them first before you indulge in the finer things in life.
If you still want to be with your lover, you’ll really need to learn to overlook their flaws. However, if they are a deal-breaker to you, then you may need to consider breaking up with them.
You may wake up alone after an ONS with an empty wallet.
Jan 20 – Feb 18
Your work concerns with documents and contracts a lot. Go over them with care to make sure you won’t be taken advantage of. The jobless may be offered a good position but it’s too far away from home.
Learn to save more as you’ll never know when you need to pay for something you don’t see coming.
Going back to a place where sweet memories between you two were created can bring back passion.
You fall head over heels for someone you meet at a party or a place you and your friends frequent.
Feb 19 – Mar 20
You have to tackle a complicated task no one wants to do. It may make you privy to dark secrets within the organisation you work for. Another employer may be so impressed with one of your past achievements and offer you a job.
A windfall may be yours. You don’t have any problems paying bills and have some money left to put into a savings account too.
You fight and make up a lot. Deep down you two still want to be together, though.
Someone already taken may string you along just because they want to feel that they are still desirable.
This source first appeared on Bangkok Post Lifestyle.